Syntax :
at [-f filename] [-m] -t time [date] [-l] [-r]
Examples :
at 5pm Tuesday -f commands.txt
In this example the at command will run a job as specified in a commands.txt file on following Tuesday at 5pm
In this example the at command will run a job as specified in a commands.txt file on following Tuesday at 5pm
at -l = This command will list each of the scheduled jobs as seen below.
1072250520.a Wed Dec 24 00:22:00 2003
at -r 1072250520.a = Deletes the job just created.
Options :
-f Specify the pathname of a file to be used as the source of the at-job, instead of standard input.
-l (The letter ell.) Report all jobs scheduled for the invoking user if no at_job_id operands are specified. If at_job_ids are specified, report only information for these jobs. The output shall be written to standard output.
-m Send mail to the invoking user after the at-job has run, announcing its completion. Standard output and standard error produced by the
at-job shall be mailed to the user as well, unless redirected elsewhere. Mail shall be sent even if the job produces no output.
-r Delete the job that you have set in the past.
-date Specifies in what date you wish to run the command job. We can use date in the format month, date, year. The following formats can also be used.
today - Indicates the current day.
tomorrow - Indicates the day following the current day.
today - Indicates the current day.
tomorrow - Indicates the day following the current day.
-t Specifies at what time you want run the command. hh:mm. am / pm time format or 24-hour time format can be used.
The following time formats can also be used
midnight - Indicates the time 12:00 am (00:00).
noon - Indicates the time 12:00 pm.
now - Indicates the current day and time. Now submit an at-job for immediate execution.
midnight - Indicates the time 12:00 am (00:00).
noon - Indicates the time 12:00 pm.
now - Indicates the current day and time. Now submit an at-job for immediate execution.
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